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Who We Are

Welcome to American Laser Group, your trusted destination for cutting-edge laser services in The Woodlands, Texas. We specialize in laser tattoo removal, skin resurfacing, and facial rejuvenation to help you achieve your desired look.


Say goodbye to tattoo regrets, wrinkles, scars and other imperfections and say hello to a fresh start with our state-of-the-art Astanza Trinity laser system, ensuring safe, efficient, and effective treatments.

Driven by a commitment to excellence, our laser specialists are dedicated to your satisfaction, and we're here to help you achieve your goals. Contact American Laser Group today to begin your journey towards renewed confidence and radiant skin!

American Laser Group is set to revolutionize the tattoo removal experience for the Spring community and beyond. With a commitment to excellence and the latest advancements in laser technology, they are set to become the go-to destination for those seeking professional, efficient, and safe tattoo removal.

The Science Behind Our Lasers

At American Laser Group, we specialize in both laser tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation to help you achieve your desired look and feel. Our advanced laser technology targets ink pigments embedded in the dermis, breaking them down into smaller components for gradual elimination by your body's immune system.

During your tattoo removal session, our skilled laser practitioners assess your tattoo, considering factors such as color, skin type, and more, to tailor a personalized treatment plan for partial or complete removal. They'll explain the process thoroughly, set expectations, and address any concerns you may have.

In addition to tattoo removal, we offer skin rejuvenation services to enhance your overall appearance and confidence. Our treatments can help address various concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and texture.

The process typically involves multiple treatment sessions spaced several weeks apart, allowing your body to gradually eliminate ink particles and reveal clearer skin. Similarly, our skin rejuvenation treatments are designed to revitalize your skin, promoting a more youthful and radiant complexion.

Whether you're seeking to bid farewell to tattoo regrets or rejuvenate your skin, American Laser Group is here to support you on your journey. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover the possibilities for transformation!

Our State-of-the-Art Technology

We're proud to offer a comprehensive range of laser treatments, including tattoo removal, facial rejuvenation, skin resurfacing, and scar removal, all powered by the cutting-edge Astanza Trinity. This remarkable device combines Q-switched and ruby laser technologies, featuring three adaptable wavelengths:

- 1064 nm: Penetrates deep into the skin to effectively break down black and dark blue ink, making it ideal for multi-color tattoos.
- 532 nm: Specializes in removing warmer tones such as red, orange, and yellow ink.
- 694 nm: Targets stubborn green and light blue pigments, indispensable for comprehensive tattoo removal.

With this versatile system, the Astanza Trinity covers a broad spectrum of ink colors, ensuring precise and effective treatment across all skin types. Our skilled laser practitioners tailor each session to your unique needs, considering factors like tattoo size, colors, and skin type to achieve optimal results.

Advantages of Treatment with the Trinity:

- High Success Rate: The Astanza Trinity delivers significant fading and complete removal of tattoos, thanks to its ability to target a wide range of ink colors.
- Minimal Side Effects: While some clients may experience temporary redness, swelling, or blistering, side effects are minimal and typically subside within a few days to weeks.
- Safety First: With safety as our top priority, the Trinity's Q-switched technology selectively targets tattoo ink while leaving surrounding skin unharmed.
- Customized Treatment: Recognizing that every tattoo is unique, we personalize treatment plans to ensure the best possible outcomes for each client.

At our clinic, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your desired results safely and effectively. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey to clearer, rejuvenated skin!

Welcome to American Laser Group, your trusted destination for cutting-edge laser tattoo removal services in Spring, Texas. At American Laser Group, we're on a mission to help you say goodbye to tattoo regrets and hello to a new start. With our state-of-the-art Astanza Trinity laser system, we're here to make the process safe, efficient, and effective.

We're driven by a commitment to excellence, and our primary focus is your satisfaction. Tattoo regret is a thing of the past when you choose to work with American Laser Group. Our laser specialists can help you achieve the results you desire, whether that means complete tattoo removal or partial fading in preparation for a cover-up.

Contact American Laser Group today to get started!

Pricing Options

At American Laser Group, we are committed to providing the best pricing options for laser tattoo removal treatments:


  • 3 sessions: 10% Discount

  • 5 sessions: 15% Discount

  • 8 sessions: 20% Discount

  • Receive 10% off your next session when you refer a friend

  • Present a military ID for an additional 10% discount

  • Gang-related, human trafficking, offensive, or cancer-related tattoos are free of charge


The number of sessions needed for full removal or cover-up fading varies person-to-person, depending on factors like tattoo size, ink color, and placement. Call us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about our exclusive treatment package pricing.

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